Mining Tricone Bits 12 1/4 Inch IADC745 For Hard Formation
Tricone Bit is the best all-purpose drill bit and can be used for many different types of rock formations, such as Soft Rock Formations (consist mainly of sand, clay, limestone or shale), Medium Rock Formations (calcites, dolomites, hard limestones, and some hard shale), Hard and Abrasive Formation (hard shale, calcites, mudstones, chert, pyrite, granite, quartzite, and cherty lime stones).
Main Products DrillMore Provide
We mainly provide Tricone Bits(TCI Drill Bits) for open pit mining.
a). Type: Tungsten Carbide Insert (TCI)
b). Formation Application: Soft to Hard Formation
c). Size Available: 6 3/4", 7 7/8", 8 1/2", 9", 9 7/8", 10 5/8", 11", 12 1/4", 14 3/4"...
d). Popular IADC Code: IADC435,545,645,725,735,745,825,835
How to Order?
1. Size of the bit diameter.
2. It is better if you can send the photo of the bits you are using.
3. IADC code you require, if no IADC code, then tell us the hardness of the formation.
DrillMore Rock Tools
DrillMore ji bo serfiraziya xerîdarên me bi peydakirina bitikên sondajê ji her serîlêdanê re tê veqetandin. Em di pîşesaziya sondajê de gelek vebijarkan pêşkêşî mişteriyên xwe dikin, heke hûn bîta ku hûn lê digerin nabînin, ji kerema xwe bi tîmê meya firotanê ya jêrîn re têkilî daynin da ku bita rast ji bo serîlêdana xwe bibînin.
Telefûn: +86 199 7332 5015
Email: [email protected]
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