Drilling Stabilizer Integral Blade Stabilize For Well Drilling
Tricone Bit For Well Drilling
  • Drilling Stabilizer Integral Blade Stabilize For Well Drilling
  • Drilling Stabilizer Integral Blade Stabilize For Well Drilling
  • Drilling Stabilizer Integral Blade Stabilize For Well Drilling
Drilling Stabilizer Integral Blade Stabilize For Well Drilling
Ko te Integral Blade Stabilizer tetahi waahanga hurihuri hurihuri, i hangaia mai i te rino koranu kaha teitei.

Te Whakamahinga: Te Keri Pai, Te Whakapae Whakapae
Paerewa: API Spec 7-1
Ratonga OEM: Ae
MOQ: 1 wahi

Drilling Stabilizer Integral Blade Stabilize For Well Drilling.

Ko te Integral Blade Stabilizer tetahi waahanga hurihuri hurihuri. He hangahanga kotahi i hangaia mai i te rino koranu kaha teitei, hei aukati i te piri rerekee o te aho drill me te pupuri i nga kara drill me nga paipa keri mai i te pakitara poka. Ka whakaiti i te wiri, te awhiowhio putorino, me te kohao poka poka. I tua atu, ko te whakapumautanga e mau tonu ana te huarahi keri ahakoa te keri tika, te puna whakapae, te puna aronga ranei.


Ka hangaia e matou nga mea whakapumau me te paiherea kia tika, he riu torino ranei, he maeneene ranei/(pahekeheke)

Hoahoa He whakapumau paiherea i hangaia ki te waahi ka whiria takitahitia ia riu ki runga i te whakapumau kia pai ai te kaha me te kaha.


Tena koa tohua me to ota:

- Rahi poka, mata OD ranei

- Te maha o nga Matatahi e hiahiatia ana

- Hoahoa Tika, Porowhita ranei

- Maamaa te anga me te momo TC, Borium ranei

- Hononga Runga me Raro

- Te Taone o te Tinana

- Aho Drill, tata ranei mo te tono moka

Utauta Toka DrillMore

E whakatapua ana a DrillMore ki te angitu o o taatau kaihoko ma te tuku i nga paraka keri ki ia tono. He maha nga whiringa ka tukuna e matou ki o taatau kaihoko i roto i te umanga keri, ki te kore e kitea e koe te moka e rapu ana koe me waea atu ki ta maatau roopu hoko i muri mai kia kitea te moka tika mo to tono.


Waea: +86 199 7332 5015

Īmēra: [email protected]

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Kei konei matou ki te awhina.